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Welcome to the keyboard and mouse combo section of our store, where we offer a range of keyboard and mouse combos. Our selection of affordable combos is perfect for both the home and work environment.

Wireless or Wired?

When purchasing a mouse or keyboard wireless and wired models are available. In the past, a wireless keyboard or mouse was considerably more expensive compared to an equivalent wired model however the price difference is now far less.

The choice comes down partially to personal preference. If you are looking to reduce the number of cables on your desk then a wireless setup will help you to accomplish this. This does however come at the cost of having to occasionally change the batteries in the items. For those with laptops with a small number of ports, a wireless keyboard and mouse can often share a dongle, freeing up one more port than would have been used by cabled versions.

One potential downside of using a wireless keyboard or mouse is input lag- the delay from your action to the computer receiving the signal and processing it. If you are using an office mouse a split-seconds delay is unlikely to cause an issue, however for gamers it is a different story. The amount of lag depends largely on the mouse, for a cheap mouse wireless connectivity is likely to cause a lot more lag than for gaming mice which promise practically no delay.

In the past simply being able to plug a keyboard and mouse in rather than having to pair them with the device may have put people off wireless devices. However, with a modern mouse or keyboard wireless setup can often be as easy as plugging in the dongle and pressing a button.

Combo Benefits

There are some clear advantages to getting a combo as opposed to buying separately. Firstly driver updates will be a lot easier. Although most peoples driver updates will be done manually via the operating system, having the combo means you only need to look at one place. If you have a wireless combo there will only be one USB receiver for the two devices as opposed to having one for the keyboard and one for the mouse.